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North Carolina brand & portrait photographer, essential oils advocate, military wife, and your biggest cheerleader in creating your own better.  Because after all, better is where you belong.  Make yourself at home! 

Hi, friend!  I'm Corry.

Thank you for sharing this on facebook @therustycrownmobileboutique!!
I say this to my kiddos all the time…there’s no one out there just like you (ok, well the twins do have another person who looks like them…but still…they are different).
And moms who are busy dreaming of or building a business…
I say this because I love you: STOP letting the comparison game scare you away from creating what God has uniquely and brilliantly qualified you to do.  He has called you to something. Something that requires you to use your unique gifts and talents.  So embrace it and stop letting the fact that someone else is already doing it or has done keep you from sharing what you have with the world!  
No one has your story.
No one has your life experiences.
No one has your voice.
No one can share it just like you can.
I hear it all the time….”How do you compete in an oversaturated market?  There are so many photographers out there.”  or “I just can’t do it because someone else is already doing my idea.”
Guys, there can’t be just ONE photographer….one photographer couldn’t possibly serve ALL THE CLIENTS!!!
There are newborn photographers, wedding photographers, senior photographers, family photographers.  Most of us specialize in a certain genre or style.
I mean really…how boring would it be if we all drove the same car around…or all our houses were the same?  There are different styles, colors, shapes, sizes, price ranges for a reason!!
There’s only one Corry…only one me who can connect with people like I can.  But there’s also only one Kim and one Anne and one Tiffany and one Pam.  We each use our unique voices to connect with people.  Y’all…the world needs what you can create!!  So stop making excuses and get busy.  Just start with the basics…set up your website, start putting it out there on social media, grow your following, begin talking about it and networking, set up your business banking, make it legal, provide an AMAZING client experience and LOVE on your people!!!!!  It’s not impossible!
Let me know if you need help getting started….this is what I LOVE to do!!!!  I’m cheering for you!!

You Are Uniquely Called


Charlotte Staton, Charlotte Staton Design

"A personal branding photoshoot with Corry was the best decision I have ever made for my growing business."

Julia Sampsel, The Simplified House

"The images from my branding shoot turned out beautifully and have made building my website and online presence so much easier."

Linda St. Amant, Sprinkled Designs

"To anyone thinking of booking with Corry, don't think twice! She truly understands how to make your business shine via photography."

Kimberly Turner, Frosted Cakery

"I knew having professional photos for my business was important, but I didn’t know how huge the impact would actually be! Highly recommend!"

Christy Grifaldo, Grifaldo Properties

"You can't help but smile and laugh the whole time you're shooting with Corry, making it so easy to work with her."

Because after all, empowered women, empower women.

While you're here, snag some of my favorite free resources!