I know so many of you were shouting very loud Amens and Praise God yesterday morning!!!! I was a teacher for 7 years so I remember the looks on the mamas’ faces as they shoved their sweet little ones into my door on the first day of school….with barely a wave and a kiss that lasted .25 seconds.
And yes, I know everyone was ready for the Fortnight Detox that is coming this week!!!! (we don’t do video games much at our house, so this wasn’t a big deal for us this summer…now cell phones are a different story!)
Needless to say, as our girls have gotten older I am cherishing these summer moments and days even more because I can tell you that once they leave the nest, it’s never the same. In some ways it’s even better (they suddenly realize you’re actually smart and will call on your regularly to ask you questions…and they realize you are kinda cool again) but in other ways it’s really hard (they are GONE…and you miss them immensely!!)
However, as a mom who works from home, summertime is a bit of a challenge. You are home with maybe a flexible schedule…yet, you still have work to do. We got a pool this summer so the girls could enjoy it with friends while I was here working and I didn’t have to take them to a local pool in our area. It becomes such a delicate balance of enjoying the summer schedule and your kiddos, but also getting your work completed.
We had a family meeting at the beginning of the summer so that we could set expectations. I explained that I had several projects going on and that I would get up early to work so that we could possibly take the afternoon off for an adventure. I also made sure I completely walked away from all work commitments while my family was here visiting for a week in July. Hello “out of office” reply!!! My assistant and I looked at my calendar along with my family commitments and made sure we didn’t schedule big things around the time we were moving our daughter home for the summer or back to college in the fall.
It basically comes down to giving yourself lots of GRACE!!!!!!!
Most of us cannot completely shut our businesses down for the summer….if you do, you’ll pay for it big time when you try to get your fall momentum going again. But it may be a time that you take your foot off the gas just a little or at least plan some time in your business for a little coasting. But now it’s time to get back into the game!!!
Here are three tips I have for getting back in the game after the kiddos have returned to school and you’re ready to go full throttle into the last quarter of the business year:
Here’s to a great new school year and I’m “cheers-ing” you with a big ole glass of wine….we SURVIVED another summer of being MOM and CEO!!!!
Some of our summer highlights….
Family PuttPutt afternoons
And then grilling with family and friends
Ferry Rides to the Island
A few games of Dominos
And taking our sweet girl back to college…all sweet memories!