Today I’m sharing My 4 Faves For Natural Skincare with Young Living…y’all this stuff is ah-mazing!!!! My 45 year old skin has never looked better!!! It feels better, it looks better, and my heart feels better that I know I’m using good, clean products that aren’t going to create nasty health side effects due to the chemicals that typically lurks in our beauty care products.
The US allows more harmful chemicals and known toxins in our self care and beauty products that you can even imagine. So many ingredients that have been banned in European nations are still lurking around in our US market. It’s time we educate ourselves about what’s in our skincare and beauty products!!
What I didn’t realize for the longest time is that anything you put on your skin is absorbed right into your body and into your bloodstream. So if it’s something that is harmful….when we slather it on our skin…we just invited it into our bodies!! Nope…not a good idea!
Today I’m sharing my fave products that are on my face EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!
Satin Facial Scrub: (read more here)
This stays in my shower and I use it almost every morning. Sloughing off those dead skin cells is so important for glowing skin! This is gentle enough so that it won’t damage your skin…but it works to really get that skin glowing again. And it smells like vanilla mint!!!! Ahhhhhh…a great way to start the day!
Glow Serum:
I make this up on a regular basis and my skin LOVES it. My fave one right now is 10 drops of Frankincense, 10 drops of Lavender, 2 drops of Blue Tansy, and 2 drops of Manuka and then fill with jojoba oil. You’ll want to use jojoba oil as your carrier oil because that is great for your face and won’t clog your pores! I put this on every morning under my makeup. Put on half a dropper…let it soak in a little and then do your makeup. It acts as a great primer!
Here is the link to the bottles I use on Amazon. You can also find my fave jojoba oil here too! Click here for my Amazon Store
Frankincense (aka booboo and wrinkle remover..hahaha)
This is the first oil that made me a believer!!!! It was not my favorite smell at first, honestly, it smelled a little like dirt to me at first because it has a very earthy scent. hahahaha But it truly makes your skin soooooo amazing!!!! I pop a roller top right on it and roll it on all my troubled spots. Anytime I have a little blemish pop up or notice some fine lines…I make sure this gets a good rolling of Frank!
CDB Beauty Boost (read more here)
Hello Botox in a bottle!!! hahahaha…just kidding! But seriously…this serum is the BEST thing I’ve ever used!! I literally find myself waking up in the morning and rubbing my face…it’s sooooo soft!!!!!! You need the tiniest amount, so it lasts FOREVER!!!!! At night, I roll Frank on my face and then I put on my CBD serum. GLORIOUS!!!!! You need this in your life!!! Your face will thank you!!!!! Promise!
If you haven’t gotten started with clean skincare, I’ll be glad to help you. There are so many awesome things like lash boost serum, lip scrubs, pimple erasers, lip plumpers, the list goes on and on!!! And all of it is safe and effective!
Here’s a link to read more and help you get started….or just message or email me!!!! I’ll be glad to help!
In fact, if you’d like to get started with my 4 Faves For Natural Skincare with Young Living, here’s the link to take you there directly!