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North Carolina brand & portrait photographer, essential oils advocate, military wife, and your biggest cheerleader in creating your own better.  Because after all, better is where you belong.  Make yourself at home! 

Hi, friend!  I'm Corry.

Have you had to do a “Covid Pivot” in your business? Did you spend some of your quarantine months thinking about how you were going to have to change things in your business…if it even survived? Or maybe you thought this was going to be a quick three month blip on your 2020 radar and that life and business would get back to normal soon. Hmmm….yeah, that’s a tricky one! Today, I’m sharing 3 ways personal brand photography can help you pivot online.

And you may say…I’m already online…my presence is good. But I challenge you to look at the road ahead…doing business as usual is dangerous. You may still be able to do business during this period of change…but your clients’ needs may have changed…therefore your offerings may need to be tweaked. Or think of it this way, lots of brilliant and new ideas were born out of a need for innovation and rethinking the norm. So use this as a time to innovate in your business. If nothing else, look for ways that you can add additional revenue streams into your business!!! I hope we all learned the valuable concept of diversification in our businesses throughout this global pandemic!!!! It’s truly proving as an insurance policy for many business owners during this season.

3 Ways Personal Brand Photography Can Help You Pivot Online

#1: Branding Photos to Grow Your Online Presence

Branding photos are basically images of you and your business. They help to tell you story online in a visual way. I always say that your website is like your online “brick and mortar” store…where you are hanging out your shingle saying you’re open for business. And your social media is the social proof that you are in fact working your business…it’s like the day to day foot traffic and client interaction that takes place online.

And you need GREAT images for BOTH!

Yes, cell phone pics have come a long way…but what you see and what I see or someone who is a professional who shoots with a trained eye to see your images in a “content way” can make a huge difference.

We now know how to do life online…and most of us probably have had to learn how to do business online. More and more is moving that way, so you are going to need images to help you with any online offerings you may decide to incorporate. Let’s say you used to teach in person classes for your network marketing business…yep you’ve moved to teaching live in Facebook groups or through events. Great images would help take your level of professionalism up a notch for sure…your invites would look awesome, your headshot for your profile pic would help build that “know, like, and trust” factor, and your posts would POP if you had some great images of you using your products!!!

Or maybe you want to add a new course or membership group to your business to help with business growth. You’re going to need images. Or let’s say you just need to get started on Instagram or this blog idea that you’ve had forever. You’re going to need images. Or maybe you’re ready to uplevel your business and you’ve decided to pivot in a big way and you’re putting all your chips in on this one. You’re going to need images.

#2: Podcasts and Virtual Conferences are becoming soooo popular because hello…we aren’t doing in person events and speaking right now.

Getting on the stage was once a huge way to grow your business and to get in front of YOUR PEOPLE!!! Guess what?!?! We aren’t getting in front of large crowds anytime soon I’m afraid….so how about a pivot until we are back in person again?!?!?

Podcasts are so helpful in growing your audience and building that credibility factor positioning you as the expert that you are. So let’s get some great professional head shots going. Taking them on your front porch the day before your deadline to submit is probably not such a great idea. In fact, I had to submit a media-type submission when I’ve been a podcast guest. Think head shot, bio, links to finding me online, ways they can connect with me after.

So think about how applying for these podcast interviews can help you during these trying times. The host will have their team create graphics and social media posts and maybe even a blog post….and you’re going to want to put your best foot forward!!!! Book with a professional!

A great head shot is priceless

#3: Professional Branding photoshoots give you images for your content

Sometimes we think about just facebook and instagram and maybe Linked In in terms of where we create content….but y’all you should be casting your net much wider in business these days.

Here are a few places you may not have thought about:

  • blog posts
  • online memberships you’ve created
  • email newsletters
  • free opt-ins to grow that email list
  • your website should be top notch these days
  • content you create to serve your audience through education, maybe it’s a FB group or a course like kajabi or teachable
  • pdf’s that are downloaded when people buy your services or product
  • FB ads, Instagram ads
  • Pinterest pins
  • the release of a new collection that you are offering if you create products

Guys, we are creating a lot of content….and you’re gonna want many of those images to be of you and of you doing your thing!!!!!! Stock images are great for filling in those gaps…but they can’t be the only thing you are using these days. People buy from people they know, like, and trust…and they need to see YOU, your life, and you doing life to build that likability factor.

Personal branding is important too if you are a boutique shop owner….use local people wearing your clothes or using your most popular products…not just the white background images that are stock or catalog photos from the manufacturer. The branding images allow for a more personal touch and people will have a connection to a person rather than just a product! You are telling a better story.

If you’d like to book a personal branding session…I’m ready to chat!!!!

And if you’d like to learn even more….especially about how social media can be a HUGE asset to your business, I’m sharing my “5 Ways Social Media Can Help Grow Your Business” guide!!!!

Click here to grab a copy so you can grow in this second half of 2020!!

3 Ways Personal Brand Photography Can Help You Pivot Online

Brand Photography

Charlotte Staton, Charlotte Staton Design

"A personal branding photoshoot with Corry was the best decision I have ever made for my growing business."

Julia Sampsel, The Simplified House

"The images from my branding shoot turned out beautifully and have made building my website and online presence so much easier."

Linda St. Amant, Sprinkled Designs

"To anyone thinking of booking with Corry, don't think twice! She truly understands how to make your business shine via photography."

Kimberly Turner, Frosted Cakery

"I knew having professional photos for my business was important, but I didn’t know how huge the impact would actually be! Highly recommend!"

Christy Grifaldo, Grifaldo Properties

"You can't help but smile and laugh the whole time you're shooting with Corry, making it so easy to work with her."

Because after all, empowered women, empower women.

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