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North Carolina brand & portrait photographer, essential oils advocate, military wife, and your biggest cheerleader in creating your own better.  Because after all, better is where you belong.  Make yourself at home! 

Hi, friend!  I'm Corry.

1-  Essential OilsIMG_8849We are working on becoming a healthier family.  We are eating better, exercising more, & watching our chemical intake.  My dear friend introduced me to these amazing oils.  Ok…admittedly, I thought she was a little crazy when she first showed them to me.  Who wanted to smell “weird” and rub who knows what under your nose, on your throat, or on the bottom of your feet?!?!  Ummm…NOT ME!!  But when you are looking at making radical changes, you take radical measures.  Sooooo…hippie oils I bought.  And can I tell you that they are AMAZING!!  Two great things happened this week:  “someone” who lives in our house has a wart on their finger (they shall remain nameless to protect their identity 🙂  )  We have tried the traditional remedy of drug store meds…the skin literally peeled off around it and the wart got bigger. I broke out my book about how to use the oils and it said to put Frankincense on it (yes, I instantly recognized the name from the Christmas story….if the wise men brought it to Baby Jesus, then it must be good stuff!!) I ordered it, put one drop and a bandaid on it, and after only three nights, it is completely flat already.  Needless to say…I converted my non-believer!! 🙂  We also had a person in our house (that shall also remain nameless to protect her identity) who was getting sick before a big audition for Governor’s School.  She instantly asked to take a Eucalyptus bath and we diffused some RC…even rubbed a little under her nose before she went to bed.  Would you believe the next morning she woke up and not only did she feel better, but she was not congested or stuffed up anymore.  And she sang BEAUTIFULLY at her audition.  So thankful for essential oils this week!


2-  AdeleIMG_8850We have always been HUGE Adele fans!!  My hubby adores her and can sing a mean “When We Were Young”!  Hahahaha  But I became an even bigger fan after seeing her recent Grammy performance.  For those of you that didn’t see it…it was beautiful and painful all at the same time.  Her voice is like no other, her grace and her sass are so appealing, and she is truly a timeless beauty (and I love that she swears a little…makes me not feel so bad)!!  When her performance began, we were all huddled around the TV watching intently.  She began and I got chills….and….then….there was a problem….a BIG, ANNOYING problem.  Some instrument was being played and ruining her song.  She said that the piano mic had fallen onto the keys inside and that’s what was making the awful racket.  There was also a story about how Justin Beiber’s band was warming up to play next and someone accidentally turned a mic on.  Regardless, I was so impressed with how she pressed on and continued to belt it out.  Yes, at one point you could see the “Oh Crap…” look on her face, but she just closed her eyes and pushed through.  It was a great lesson for our child that is a performer, but it was also a great life lesson for us all.  When faced with a challenge or if something isn’t going just right….keep up the good fight.  Don’t give in to the doubts, don’t stop, don’t be defeated….push through the uncomfortable moments and yes, sometimes you just have to suck it up.  But don’t stop doing YOUR BEST!!!!  There may be things happening that are out of your control….but don’t let those circumstances define your talent and your gift.  And when it’s over….go get an In and Out Burger like Adele did!!!  hahahahaha (Ok…you have to see her Carpool Karaoke with James Corden) Carpool Karaoke with James Corden

3-  My hubby…my Love

IMG_8127This man has been my life partner, my cheerleader, my protector, my adventure seeker, my best friend, my LOVE since I was 15 years old.  When you’ve been married for 20 years like we have….and you get busy with life, kids, careers, and just being a stinkin’ adult…you sometimes have to fight for time together.  We are entering into this stage of life where he travels a lot, I am building and growing a business, and we are raising three teenagers….none of which is easy. But this week, I have really had him on my heart.  He makes life fun!!!  He listens to my crazy dreams and instead of telling me no way…he figures out a way to help me make it happen.  He makes us laugh, he comes home and fixes the mess we make, and he always put us first.  He is a man of God and is always seeking God’s plan for our lives.  He shares his faith, and he is truly a man of Honor, Courage, and Commitment!!!  He also lives what we like to refer to as the “Forest Gump” life.  For those of you who remember the movie….Forest always has a way of being in the right place at the right time.  Well…sometimes.  ðŸ™‚  Kevin truly has a life like that.  He’s called me after going to a meeting where he ended up meeting a Duke Professor who struck up a conversation with him and casually invited him to come meet Coach K and the whole Duke Basketball team…then asked to get his business card and told him he has great seats if Kevin ever wanted to come up to a game (What?!?!!? How does this happen?!?!)  He’s also called me from the backyard of an Afghan General where he was eating cucumbers out of his garden.  REALLY?!?!?!  That totally could have been a story for when he returned home!!!!  He’s ridden elephants, flown around the Hollywood sign, gone skiing in the Alps, and has even seen the Emperor of Japan.  But he also loves to find vintage cameras to bring home to my collection, and he remembers my love of lighthouses and the fact that they remind us to always find our way back to each other.  He has dressed in tutus and had tea parties with our girls.  He truly has no shame when it comes to them…he is the ultimate Daddy!!  He’ll wear Mickey Mouse ears through Disney just for them…and fight the crowds just to make sure they get an up close seat for the electric light parade.  Kevin truly is an amazing man…and I’ve been in love with him for years…but this week has just been a nice reminder that I am still so much in love with him and our life together!



Corry xoxo

Three Things I’m in Love with This Week…


Charlotte Staton, Charlotte Staton Design

"A personal branding photoshoot with Corry was the best decision I have ever made for my growing business."

Julia Sampsel, The Simplified House

"The images from my branding shoot turned out beautifully and have made building my website and online presence so much easier."

Linda St. Amant, Sprinkled Designs

"To anyone thinking of booking with Corry, don't think twice! She truly understands how to make your business shine via photography."

Kimberly Turner, Frosted Cakery

"I knew having professional photos for my business was important, but I didn’t know how huge the impact would actually be! Highly recommend!"

Christy Grifaldo, Grifaldo Properties

"You can't help but smile and laugh the whole time you're shooting with Corry, making it so easy to work with her."

Because after all, empowered women, empower women.

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